Become a Friend of the Genadendal Museum and experience more of what makes this museum a centrepiece of South Africa’s cultural heart.

Your membership directly supports the Museum’s mission to preserve the cultural history of the mission station and its inhabitants, contributes to the development of new exhibitions and projects and helps maintain and care for more than 3000 artifacts.

Other benefits include:
– Free or reduced general admission to the museum.
– Acknowledgement in our Annual Report.
– Invitations to previews, special events and tours.
– Additional discounts on exclusive Member only sale items and days.
– Opportunities to interact with curators.
– One private docent led tour for up to ten people.

Become a Genadendal Museum Friend by completing the form below.

Registration Form

I hereby register for membership as a Friend of the Genadendal Mission Museum.
Ek registreer hiermee vir lidmaatskap as ‘n Vriend van die Genadendal Sendingmuseum.

I agree to support the aims of the Museum:
To collect, study and conserve articles and examples of historical and cultural value from the South African Mission Stations with special emphasis on the Moravian Mission Stations.
Ek onderneem om die museum in sy doelstellings te ondersteun:
Om voorwerpe en voorbeelde uit historiese en kulturele verlede van veral die Sendingstasies in Suid Afrika, met die klem op die Morawiese Sendingstasies, te versamel, te bestudeer, bewaar en bekend te stel.

Deposits can be made directly into the Friends’ bank account:
Bank: Standard Bank
Branch Code: 051001
Account Name: Friends of the Genadendal Museum
Account Number: 083361987